Friday, June 29, 2012

When Taking Time Apart From Your Relationship Is A Good Thing ...

I?m not talking about a real ?break? that lasts a couple weeks and even a few months (my personal opinion on those is, they just mean the relationship should be over). But, sometimes you need a couple of days and as much as one week apart to get back into a flow with one another. Like these times.


You?ve neglected your friends

Do you think you?re guilty of spending all your time with your partner that you simply forget to see your friends? Are your friends mad about it? Naturally they are! Not only will that guilt affect your happiness with your partner, but it?s important to have other people in your life other than your partner. It?s healthy. If your friends voice that they feel neglected, show them 110% of your attention for several days. Clear several days simply to see friends. You don?t even want there to be the potential of saying, ?I better get a move on. I need to meet my boyfriend.? Demonstrate that you cleared your schedule for them because you care very much about them.


When only time can heal a fight

Sometimes you?ve said everything you can say, however your partner continues to be feeling the residual effects of an argument. If you stay by their side and continuously apologize or are obviously trying to be super sweet to make them get over things faster, they?ll only become irritated with you. When you are in this position, just go away for a few days.


When you?ve neglected yourself

Cuddling and shacking up is a lot more fun than creating business cards, sending out resumes and overall working on your own goals. That?s why many people in new relationships lose sight of their goals. If you notice this happening, take a week to get things in order and get things moving again! My buddy had just moved to become a voice coach in LA, and then she fell in love. She?d barely begun working up her roster of clients when she started spending all of her time with her new boyfriend. Suddenly, she realized that not only was she not making enough money because she wasn?t teaching enough singing lessons, but she had also been missing out on her passion, which was helping people learn how to sing. She requested a week apart from her boyfriend and felt much better when she began working more.


When you?re in a bad mood

We sometimes all get in moods that just need to go away in time, but if we hang out around people while we are in them, we will unintentionally begin fights and take our moods out on others. So many pointless arguments begin in relationships because one person wouldn?t just recognize they needed some alone time. So learn to recognize when that is.


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